neljapäev, 31. jaanuar 2008

Mozilla Corp juht Mitchell Baker loomingulise organisatsiooni juhtimisest

Jaanuarikuine The McKinsey Quartely avaldab värskendava lühiintervjuu ühe brauserituru imelapse, vabakoodilise Mozilla brauseri looja ja elushoidja Mozilla Corporation´i juhi Mitchell Bakeriga. Et Mozilla on klassikaline näide web 2.0 tehnoloogiast, siis soovitan intervjuud lugeda kõigil, kes suhtevõrgustike loomise või loominguliste meeskondade loomise/eestvedamisega kokku puutuvad.

Mulle endale on alati põnevust pakkunud taoliste intervjuude "best practice" osa, mille julgen ka siinjuures ära tuua. Äkki põnev ka teistele lugeda.

The Quarterly: What can other leaders learn from the Mozilla project about running an innovative company?

"/--/ Look hard at whether there are areas where you can give up some control, because the returns are great. And if you can’t, then stay away from this type of model. If you have a good group of people around you—people you trust—sometimes just stepping back when you don’t like something is really valuable. Let the problem play out a little bit. The idea that a single individual is the best decision maker for everything and should have ultimate control works only some of the time. I think for Steve Jobs it works because he’s so good at what he does. But if you’re not Steve Jobs, I have found that, sometimes, even when I don’t like something, there’s often real value in stepping back and asking questions. When you just ask people to stop what they are doing, you lose their creative thought. And this approach can get even harder when that person shows that you’re making a mistake. In a lot of organizations, people don’t really admit when they make a mistake, which I think is delusional because we all know that no one’s perfect."

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